Next New Media
So my suggestion or idea for a new media concept revolves around a payphone. Not the actual phone itself, but the concept that anybody could use it for x amount of dollars, but not to just make a phone call, to surf the web as well, or face-time your friends and family. Imagine this: technological 'booths' setup all around New York City, and you pay a fee to rent it out for x amount of hours or minutes, and inside you can surf the web, make calls, go on social media, check your mail, whatever. This would eliminate our need to constantly look at our phones to make sure they're charged, would embrace the idea to go outside once in a while to check this new technology and new media out, and invites so many new business opportunities within it. I think it would also fit the 5 C's New Media entails; communication, collaboration, community, creativity and convergence. There would obviously be a lot of kinks to work out, in terms of who would be supplying these booths with ...