Social Networking Sites

Facebook is probably the mother of all Social Networking, as it really laid the foundation for everything that has come out since (yes MySpace and Friendster and AIM were first, but for the newer generation who didn't know all that I start from Facebook). When you log into Facebook you are automatically taken to the homepage where you see a list of friend statuses, or group postings, or pictures someone was tagged in as you scroll down. You also have the option to explore other people's pages and request someone as a 'friend' if you do in fact know them. You can do a lot on Facebook, like creating your company a page, making people visit that page, posting coupons there, even pay for ads. It's really an all-encompassing site that has a lot more pros than cons.

Twitter is the new Facebook, in that it has picked up heavily over the last 4-5 years. We see more people gravitating towards it for political reasons, like when Donald Trump makes a suggestive or inappropriate tweet, or if a company is giving a discount to a big product, to people who follow them only. Twitter is very short, simple, and straightforward, with a tweet lasting no longer than 140 characters, and the ability to use hashtags to represent or create a subgroup where similar posts are archived/found really made people use this social networking site.

LinkedIn is one of my favorite Social Networking Site, because it is designed specifically for creating a digital resume, where you can find jobs and employers can find you based on what you provide. One of my favorite features is the ability for your previous employer to leave a recommendation for you on your profile for everyone to see, which really is a way of validating your ability to work for a company. You can add professionals from people you know, to people who you are interviewing with, and you can also search through thousands of job postings relevant to your career path.

I actually always forget that Instagram is accessible online also, and not just via your phone/iPad. Instagram is probably the hottest social networking site, because of its ability for users to judge for themselves what's hot and what's not. It's really all viral, and it's like one hit wonders are made over night, whether its a product you're trying to sell, or you do a hot new dance that just sweeps the nation over night. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people make millions from one video they make, and all of a sudden their getting endorsements and meeting celebrities. It's mainly used as a picture application, allowing you to post pictures of whatever you feel like, yourself, your family, your dog, etc. and then people liking or commenting on the things that you post. You can add friends to see their pictures, and also add celebrities to see what they're up to day to day. Instagram recently took a huge jab to Snapchat by creating the Instagram Story option, which is essentially the same thing as Snapchat's whole identity.


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