Blog about Twitter

A Twitter discussion might actually be more engaging than a blackboard discussion. It allows users from all different parts of the world (really anyone who uses the application) to contribute to the conversation at hand. And then you add in the ability to add hashtags, that takes conversations even further with people finding that specific topic you're talking about just from looking through posts under that hashtag. It's really a universal blackboard if you think about it, without the normal boundaries classrooms set (who can be in the discussion, and what they can say).

Compared to an in-class discussion, I would say it's less room for interpretation and less engaging. In a classroom, I feel like my attention is focused and less wandering. Compared to a Twitter discussion, I would get lazy and reply to something when I feel like it, and there could always be the chance that I don't want to read through everyone's comments and only read what I find might be interesting/relevant to the conversation. When I'm participating in an in-class discussion, I feel everyone's opinions heard in the way they want it to be heard, rather than me interpreting it in my own way. Because I feel like when we read something we can read it one of two ways; from the authors point of view and from my point of view.


  1. Hey Anant,
    I agree Twitter is more engaging than Blackboard, my reason behind this is that it is much more easier to read 10 people's Twitter post than it is to read 10 Blackboard discussion, hence making it more engaging.


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